Golden teacher mushrooms— Do They Actually Exist? Here’s What You Should Know About This Famous Mushroom
Golden teachers are a popular type of magic mushroom. but here’s what you should know if you’re choosing which spores to grow.
As more and more folks turn to growing mushrooms. one thing that often bewilders new growers is the amount of choice offered by online vendors when it comes to strains. cultivars, or even different species. Whether it’s Golden Teachers, B+, or Penis Envy. for those getting started, there’s a lot to take in and understand—not everyone has a degree in mycology, after all. Add to this some of the wilder claims from the more “marketing-focused”. vendors around variations in effects like euphoria, introspection. or induced spiritual epiphanies. and it’s easy to see why many new growers can often be face with decision paralysis. when choosing which spores to start. In this article, we’ll try to simplify the science and demystify the marketing. so you make the most informed choice possible and answer the question, “what’s in a strain name?”
Golden Teachers: Choosing Which Kind of Spores to Grow
The first challenge in choosing which spores to grow is understanding the difference between. terms like speciesstrain, and cultivar. These terms, along with others like variety and isolate, often get thrown around. by some vendors and those with less experience, but each term actually has a precise definition.
The easiest of these to understand is species. Species are distinct genetic lineages that usually cannot interbreedand although there are exceptions. to the interbreeding rule that give us hybrids like the liger (lion + tiger). or the mule (horse + donkey), we’re not currently aware of any hybrids of psychedelic mushroom species. Most of our current understanding of the differences between species. are relate to their specific genetic composition. which can be determine in the lab and used to make comparisons between the degree of genetic similarity between species. But, even at a species level, there’s still lots to learn about genetics and potency. with reclassifications of species names. or conflicting reports on alkaloid content still appearing in the literature.
When spore shopping, it’s always helpful to first look for the Latin name, which will usually be Psilocybe cubensis. the most cultivated magic mushroom. For the Latin naming system, the format goes genus (e.g. Psilocybe) followed by species (e.g. cubensis). If you’re looking at spores and the Latin names are different, then you know you have separate species. Remember, as you could never cross a with a human (sorry, David Cronenberg). you couldn’t cross Psilocybe cubensis with Psilocybe mexicana—though if you manage to prove us wrong. please publish your results in your nearest scientific journal.
more of Golden teacher mushrooms
Known as “golden tops” mushrooms, Psilocybe cubensis is a species of mushroom. that is a potent source of the hallucinogenic agent psilocybin. P. cubensis are one of the most distributed hallucinogenic. edible fungus types in the world and one of the most potent.
They are also known as goldies, cubes, cubies, boomers, caps, and gold caps and were first recorded. in the scientific literature in 1906 in Cuba. Golden tops are one of the many mushroom types that grow on the manure of various ruminants like cows and goats. They often grow in tropical or subtropical environments, like South America. Central America, Mexico, and the southern and southwestern US.
Experienced mycologists can and identify them. But, misidentification can prove deadly. Golden caps mushrooms get their name from their appearance. light golden color with a dark brown area in the middle of their umbrella caps. The caps will also have a white ring around the edge, ranging in size from less than 2 cm to over 8 cm total. Experienced eyes will notice that they are also smooth, and their bruises turn a dark blue navy color.
Side Effects & Risks Associated With Golden Tops Mushrooms
One of the primary risks or dangers associated with abusing golden tops mushrooms. is the potential to sold some misidentified mushrooms. Besides, the inability of most people to differentiate golden tops mushrooms from. other deadly look-alikes can cause serious illness or even fatalities. Other dangers are attribute to the potency or dosage of the mushrooms ingested.
The dosage can vary based on the potency of the golden tops mushrooms. While many people will brew their golden caps into a tea or other prepared drink. others will incorporate the mushrooms into a part of food to consume. Some users will dry the mushrooms, then encapsulate them for easy dosing. even mixing them into chocolate bars to consume .
The potency of the golden caps mushrooms will fluctuate and is roote in several factors. The factors that determine the potency of the golden tops mushrooms. include the specific variety or subspecies of mushroom. where it was grown or cultivated, the growing conditions, how mature. they were at harvest and how they were then stored, and whether they are being consumed fresh or in a dried state.
If dried golden caps mushrooms are use, the concentration of psilocybin is increase . This can lead to some problems related to dosing since the concentrations in dried. mushrooms will be around ten times the concentration found in fresh golden caps mushrooms. The effects can be like LSD, though still unique and specific to mushrooms.
These effects can include:
Feelings of peacefulness and unity with their surroundings
spiritual experiences and awakenings
Rapid mood changes
Derealization, or a consistent feeling of detachment or disconnection from the current reality
Depersonalization, or a sense of being disengage from the people around them
Unfamiliar, irregular, distorted, or new thought patterns
Enhanced or intensified visualizations, such as colors becoming very vivid. or halos of light surrounding other people or objects
There are also several potential negative effects. that users can experience from ingesting golden tops mushrooms.
Some of these negative side effects are:
Loss of coordination or dizziness
Yawning or excessive drowsiness
Wandering focus and the inability to maintain attention
Muscle weakness
Strange or unfamiliar sensations in the body, such as humming, buzzing, or vibrating
A feeling of confusion and anxiety, which can intensify and lead to a panic attack
Stomachache, upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting, particularly if the mushrooms are ingeste as a brewed tea
Intense and sometimes frightening hallucinations that can cause significant trauma. and lasting psychological damage in some cases
Increased danger of flashbacks for particularly heavy users or users with a larger proportion of “bad trips”
Since the individual biology of the user affects the symptoms and effects that one will experience. the trip will vary from person to person. Many experience at least one or two of the desirable and undesirable effects. But, some users will experience a wider range of effects and symptoms. A very small number of people will not have any experience at all. Those who begin their trip or experience anxiety or fear are at higher risk for a negative experience.
What To Do if Addicted to Taking Golden teacher mushrooms
If you think that you or someone close to you might be addicte to taking golden top mushrooms. they might feel very isolated and alone in their addiction. By reaching out, you can let them know that they are not alone and that help is available for those that want it. When someone decides to stop taking golden tops mushrooms, they should have. a solid support system and professional help.
By working with an experienced treatment center, a treatment plan can be create with the specific needs of the individual in mind. using detox methods. intensive inpatient treatments, or flexible outpatient counseling. the recovering individual will have the best chances of long-term recovery. By addressing the root causes that lead them to use and abuse mushrooms. the professionals can help provide techniques. and methods for avoiding triggering scenarios and occasions. They give you the best shot at recovery.
Reach out today if you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to golden tops mushrooms. You deserve the satisfaction and happiness that a drug-free life can provide.
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